Saturday, August 29, 2009

The 29 Day Challenge: Day #21

There is a big pile of stuff in the garage that needs to go to Goodwill. I'm loading up my car and getting these items ready to go. First thing in the morning, I am dropping them off at the local donation center. They are all crying out for good homes. And I cannot wait until the space they are currently occupying in the garage is filled with, well, nothing. I am learning to love clear areas filled with nothing more than space.

I have also decided that the last eight "days" of this challenge are going to be devoted to giving away non-tangible things. I am going to work on giving away my time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's such great progress! Did you see the story in the New York Times about the 29 Gifts book? I thought of you when I saw it.
