Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The 29 Day Challenge: Day #20

Who knew that it would take me MONTHS to complete a 29 day challenge? The bad news is I don't think those who designed the challenge intended for it to take months to complete (thus the obvious reference to "days" in the title of the challenge). The good news is that I have made the challenge my own, I think about it often, and I will complete it - on my own time frame and my own terms. The best thing that the challenge has done for me has been to make the process of simplifying a conscious very one. I now think more about what I have, why I have it, and who might be able to use what I have more than I can use it.

Today, the following items are going into a donation bag to be dropped off at a local donation center:
1. Some socks - now, I normally wouldn't donate used socks, as I don't think this is generally a hot item at the Goodwill, but I have A LOT of socks that are almost like new that I just never wear. I am passing them along to a better home.
2. A couple of exercise tops that are also in very good shape. They are those tops that I think I might wear someday, maybe... I bet that someone else could definitely wear them soon.
3. Three or four pairs of inexpensive flip flops that I've NEVER worn. I invested in a pair of Chacos and my feet love them so much I don't think I'll ever wear another pair of flip flops again...

I read somewhere recently that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. I am attacking my closet today with that knowledge. If I have a summer item that I haven't worn this summer, it is going to find a new home. Period.

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