Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Proud

So proud of this guy, not only because of this (see #4 ranking) but more importantly because of the person he is. He inspires me everyday to live a life of conviction and meaning and he reminds me constantly - through the choices he makes - that sometimes all you need to make life more beautiful is to see the world through new eyes.  

Monday, April 6, 2009

Perfect Day...

... coffee and conversation with my sister-in-law in the a.m. and gardening all afternoon with my brother. More later, but I just wanted to get this post started so I don't forget to write it. 

I'm coming back to finish this post a few weeks after I had intended, but here it goes. 

Sometimes, simplicity comes when we are reminded that life is more about who you are with than anything else. If we can keep spending time with the people we love central to our lives, then maybe everything else will fall into place without much effort. And sometimes, the most beautiful moments are those unplanned hours spent in good company engaged in good work.