Monday, July 27, 2009

The Southern Reading Challenge Update

I am deep into a wonderful book as part of the Southern Reading Challenge. Years ago, I read Richard Bragg's All Over But the Shoutin' and it instantly became one of my all-time favorite memoirs. Well, last week at the library I was lucky enough to not only pick up that book, but also two other books he wrote as well.

I like the author's style and the way he crafts language in a way that is both beautifully complex and simple. I like the way he portrays the human elements of his life and culture with honestly, while at the same time not making gross generalizations about an entire people. Most of all, I like the tribute he makes to his mother - he does not place her up on a pedestal, but instead focuses on her strength of character and incredible resiliency. The descriptions of his childhood serve as an important reminder of why we must honor those people in our lives who loved us no matter what, who believed in us even when we did not believe in ourselves, and who never let us stray too far from home.

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