Sunday, July 26, 2009

The 29 Day Challenge: Day #18

So, today I am going to do what I have been, for some reason, putting off for a while. I am going to take some "treasures" from the garage that we've cleared out of the house and put them into my car. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning I'm delivering them to Goodwill. There's no good reason, except for procrastination, that I haven't done this already.

So, what am I giving away?
1. Two good lamps that we just don't have space for
2. A water cooler that we never use, but that still works well
3. A desk that we no longer need due to the very smart reconfiguration of an old bathroom vanity area
Honestly, aside from all the obvious altruistic reasons, I like a clean garage. I like to have a spot for everything and know that whatever I keep I am able to use on a regular basis. The three items above just don't contribute to my zen-like fantasy at all.

In other news, I am thinking about rejoining the compact next month. More on that later...

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