Thursday, May 28, 2009

The 29 Day Challenge: Day #2 & Day #3

What I Gave Away: 10 boxes of classroom books and misc. supplies and some of my time to tutor a friend's son...

Who I Gave Them To: The boxes went to Angel View Crippled Children's foundation
and the time went to my friend's son...

Why: As far as the boxes go, I had enough classroom stuff to fill 10 classrooms. I only need enough stuff for 1. And for the tutoring time? My friend is a single mom with two teenage high school boys. She works hard and asked me for help. I have a special place in my heart for single moms, as I've watched some close friends walk this path. Coming from a home where my parents are still married, I can't fully comprehend the alternative... but I know that in this friend's case, she needed help yesterday and I have the time and the resources to help out.

What I Observed/Learned: Not being in the classroom every day this year, I sometimes forget how much I enjoy working with teenagers. It was a nice reminder...

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