Friday, November 14, 2008

Contemplation... Also Known As Inaction or Fear

So I was sitting here staring at my computer screen, contemplating my life, thinking about all the things I think I should be doing right now, and perusing blogs of people who are actually out there, in the world... acting on their beliefs, changing their ways, speaking out about things that matter. And here I am, somewhat paralyzed in a state of inaction, or fear, or whatever you want to call it. I think I need to wake up just a little bit. It's nice for me to have ideas and to write about them somewhat fluently in ways that I think won't offend many people, to make "safe" changes like those listed in my last post, and to otherwise go about my days thinking I am making a difference, making a change, when really I am doing little more than stewing about in my own fear. That, I've realized, is something that I need to address immediately. Stay posted. More to follow soon...

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I believe in you.