Saturday, March 28, 2009

Clearing Away the Clutter

Although simplifying my physical space is only one facet of my journey toward a simpler life, I am constantly amazed at just how difficult this task is for me. No matter how much I clear out, donate, recycle, organize... it still seems like there is so much clutter still left over. I am inspired by those who have successfully lived according to the rules of "the compact,"  those who are living in small spaces, those who are reducing their possessions to only a set number of things. Period.

When I was little my family lived on a 27-foot sailboat. We also lived on a boat-access only island where everything we wanted to get to and from the island had to be transported in our very small, not-so-reliable boat. This next week I am going to ask my parents questions about this time in our lives - much of which I was too young to remember with much clarity - and then see what lessons I learn that I can apply to my life today. There is something beautiful about not being hindered, bogged-down, controlled by our stuff. There is also something difficult about shifting our minds away from the consumer mentality that drives so much of people's day-to-day interactions.

All I really want is to be free and to be able to focus my energy on the people, ideas, and actions that truly mean something to me. Everything else is going to have to fade away, be given away, or be just let go of. 

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